The Comfort Of Our Faithful Four-Footed Companions


Isn’t it wonderful that none of our four-footed companions is the least little bit worried about the Corona Virus? I, for one, find that oddly reassuring.

Happy Cocker Spaniel

Bless their innocent hearts. They are completely oblivious to the headlines. Blissfully unaware of the current ‘Shelter in Place’ mandates that are forcing many of us are to stay with them (they, on the other hand, are overjoyed that the family is wonderfully HOME almost all the time now).

Cute Tabby Kitten

Though, thankfully, they are unaware of the fears that keep so many of us awake at night, still, perhaps, sensing anxiety, your faithful dog dozes lightly, ready to protect from any danger that goes bump in the night. Your tabby cat snuggles warmly closer to help you drift back off to sleep.

What good medicine they are, these furry bundles of optimism that share our lives. Perhaps a bit puzzled as to why we’re suddenly gloomy, they seem all the more determined to make us laugh with a silly antic, to bring a smile to our worried faces, to offer a comforting purr or a lick or an encouraging wag of their tails.

Yes, bless them and thank you Lord for each and every one of them. Help us to demonstrate some of their optimistic spirit and yes, bring into our own hearts some of the love, the complete trust that comes from each one of their faithful small hearts.